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Official website of the

Central warehouse of the Prison and Court Guard Service

Liptovská Štiavnica

Characteristics of the facility

Central warehouse of the Prison and Court Guard Service in Liptovská Štiavnica is a purpose built facility, which is an organizational part of the correctional facility Ružomberok. The central warehouse in a limited scope guides and controls the logistics department of the General Directorate of the Service. Central warehouse fills primarily tasks related to complete provision of natural needs to the Service members, tasks related to the material-technical provision of detention and imprisonment and fulfillment of basic social rights of detainees, as well as roles in the management of state property. It also carries out other logistic activities related to the implementation of the Service tasks, stemming from its responsibility under the Act no. 4/2001 Coll. on the Court and Prison Guard Service, as amended.

Registered address: Družstevná 1, 034 01 Liptovská Štiavnica, Slovakia

Mail address: Liptovská Štiavnica 1, PO BOX 62, 034 01 Ružomberok, Slovakia

Central warehouse of the Service is a purpose-built facility which is an organizational part of the Correctional facility Ružomberok. The central warehouse is in a limited scope methodologically guided and controlled by the Department of Logistics of the General Directorate of the Service. The seat of the Central warehouse is Liptovská Štiavnica. The central warehouse performs tasks related to providing complete security service uniform and its parts for members of the Service, parts of the outfit and accommodation material for the accused and convicted. In fulfilling these tasks the Central warehouse ensures the receipt, storage, dispensing and delivery of natural needs of the Service and manages associated stock records in the report of the General Directorate of the Service. Natural needs are centrally procured by the Logistics Department on the basis of the requirements of individual facilities of the Service. It also carries out other logistic activities related to the implementation of the Service tasks, stemming from its responsibility under the Act no. 4/2001 Coll. on the Corps of Prison and Court Guard as amended.

Maj. Martin Drobúl

Information for the public

Information for the public is provided on working days from 8.00 am. to 11.00 am and from 1 pm to 3 pm

Location in the Slovak Republic

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Photos from facility

Gallery image
Logo of the Government Office of the Slovak RepublicLogo of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic
Logo of the Czech Prison and Judicial Guard Corps
Logo of the Hungarian Prison and Judicial Guard Corps
Logo of the Polish Prison and Judicial Guard Corps